Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday's Run

Don't laugh at me, but that Wii workout kicked my butt yesterday. I was sooo sore when I work up this morning. I wanted to use it as an excuse to not go running this morning, but I gave myself a mental kick in the rear and went out anyway. I increased my route distance from a quarter of a mile to just over a half mile one way.

And this isn't even mentioning the supposed to be 3 minute jog that turned into 4.5 minutes (covered about half a mile!!) because a car passed me and I didn't hear the timer go off to tell me to start walking. I was completely amazed with myself. So I may be finally moving on to Week Five!

My buzzard friends were also back now that it's cooled off some. There were a few circling overhead, but I couldn't get good pictures of them. When I stopped to get a picture, one of them even looked at me like he was checking to see if I had keeled over yet!

Warming up in the morning sun.

Can you tell that the one on the bottom
is looking right at me??
Just finished my run!
My hair is WILD!!

Distance - 2.18 miles
Time - 33:12
Average Pace - 15:15 per mile
Fastest - 10:35 per mile
Slowest - 29:04 per mile
Calories Burned - 230 k/cal

Thanks for reading!

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